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- 3D Gallery: goes 3D ... We are currently working on a new download section with real 3D video loops and dreamscenes.


3D Logo


Some of our upcoming dreams will be directly rendered into real 3D clips. The dreamscenes will be rendered two-times with a slightly different camera angle to create two seperate video streams for the left and right eye, the seperate video streams will then be mixed into anaglyphe 3D (Red/Cyan, Green/Magenta, Yellow/Blue) and stereoscopic 3D clips for shutter and polarisation 3D-glasses (e.g. side-by-side, above-bellow, interlaced). We will also provide some architecture and nature scenes recorded with a proper 3D camera.


To give you a little preview of the 3D effect, we have re-converted some of our old loops into 3D with one of the available 2D-to-3D converters on the net. Most 3D tools (like 3Dfier, TriDef, DepthQ, stereoscopic player) are only able to playback 2D content as 3D, but not able to save the 3D video. For AviSynth (freeware) a 2D-to-3D script is available, but a little scripting experience is needed. As an easy-to-use 2D to 3D video-converter we can recommend MakeMe3D (shareware, free demo-version available on the manufacturers site).


3D gallery


- More information about 3D and S3D formats:


Currently are many 3D/S3D formats out there, the most common ones are side-by-side and above-below (also called top-bottom) for stereoscopic displays like 3D-TVs/Displays from Samsung or Sony with shutter- or polarisation-glasses. Row- and column-interleaved for autostereoscopic displays like the Nintento 3DS- or the Fuji FinePix W3-display. Another one is anaglyph 3D, viewed through glasses with two-color lens (with chromatically opposite colors like red/cyan or green/magenta) to create a 3D effect. Anaglyph 3D can be viewed on all display types, special 3D hardware is not needed.


3D formats




- Tip:


Just contact us per mail, if you want to use our video loops in your commercial work: Contact